Deutsche Bahn is an important part of society and public life. Dialog in a spirit of partnership and a trusting relationship with stakeholders based on integrity, continuity and transparency are essential to us. Key groups include not just our employees, but also our customers (business and private), policymakers, regulators, suppliers, business associations and rail sector professionals. That is why we are involved in many networks that focus on sustainability.
Deutsche Bahn joined the UN Global Compact (UNGC) in 2009. The UNGC is the world's largest and most important initiative for responsible corporate governance. The organization's vision is an inclusive and sustainable global economy based on its ten universal principles. We are also member of the UN Global Compact Network Germany (UN GCD), which is Germany's multi-stakeholder forum for promoting the UNGC's principles and putting them into action.
In addition, we support Stiftung KlimaWirtschaft – German CEO Alliance for Climate and Economy in its goal of launching cross-sector solutions for creating a climate-neutral economy. Within this foundation's framework, we work with other businesses from different sectors to promote climate protection.
Together with about 50 other multinational companies, we are an active member of econsense, the Forum for Sustainable Development of German Business e.V.. Here, we work towards developing and initiating solutions for sustainable business methods.
Joining forces to tackle global challenges and creating strong international links are the guiding principles of the non-profit organization One Young World (OYW). Through our partnership with OYW, we want to actively create added value for society beyond our corporate boundaries. We therefore offer our future managers the opportunity to become part of the global network and to get involved in pressing social issues.
Agora Verkehrswende is a joint initiative of the Mercator Foundation and the European Climate Foundation. As part of this network, we work together with stakeholders from politics, business, science and society to make the transport sector in Germany and the rest of Europe more sustainable.
Ever since 2009, we have been part of the conservation association Bergwaldprojekt e.V. Since joining, over 500,000 trees have been planted thanks to extensive fundraising. Donations have come from DB's private and business customers, while our employees have volunteered to plant saplings. Through near-natural forest conversion, we have already been able to stabilize a total area of over 200 hectares against climate change and preserve it as a habitat for animals and plants.
We are a member of many other networks as well, including the Association of German Transport Companies, the rail sector's Railsponsible association and Transparency International.