© Deutsche Bahn AG / Oliver Lang

Supporting social engagement

As one of the largest companies in Germany, Deutsche Bahn plays an important role in society. Our aim – through our specific business activities and beyond – is to help ensure a well-functioning community.

Commitment to innovation in the mobility sector

Innovative and forward-looking technologies are essential to fostering sustainable mobility. That is why Deutsche Bahn works with institutions of higher learning in many areas and provides expertise and financial resources to assist startups.

Commitment to the common good

At the DB Group, we want to make a contribution to society as a whole that goes beyond mobility and transport services. This includes humanitarian aid in emergencies, and our long-standing partnerships with charitable institutions such as the Bahnhofsmissionen (station missions). We also support young people who have a talent for sports, and our #DBpacktan program (the name translates loosely as "DB lends a hand") supports volunteer work by our employees.

DB-Mitarbeitende bei Freiwilligenaktion "DBpacktan" im Jahr 2022 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Eva Herzog

Corporate Volunteering

Each year, DB hosts a special week where employees volunteer in non-profit organizations and projects.

© Deutsche Bahn AG / Oliver Lang

Humanitarian aid in emergencies

Deutsche Bahn assists people in need, including those facing the aftermath of accidents and natural disasters.

© DB AG/ Jugend trainiert/ sampics / Christina Pahnke

Promotion of sports

Deutsche Bahn is all about keeping people moving – and that includes the promotion of sports.

© Deutsche Bahn AG / Faruk Hosseini

Support for aid organizations

The DB Group supports numerous institutions and initiatives dedicated to the common good.