Promoting diversity

Promoting diversity is an integral part of our corporate culture, because at Deutsche Bahn, we know that all our around 300,000 employees worldwide use their unique perspectives to contribute to our shared success. That is why it is important for us to create a respectful and non-discriminatory working environment. All our employees should have the same opportunities to develop.

To live up to our claim to be a provider of opportunities, we pursue active diversity management with numerous specific measures – from intercultural training and new approaches in recruiting to flexible working models that acknowledge different life phases. For example, we have set ourselves the goal to increase the proportion of women in management positions to 40% by the end of 2035. At the same time, we promote group-wide networks in which our employees can connect, support each other and jointly increase their visibility within the company.

40 %
of management positions held by women by the end of 2035

We also want to design our products and services as inclusive as possible for our customers. They shall be open to everyone and exclude no one. A key focus area here is the ongoing improvement of accessibility at stations and on our trains. We have been involving affected parties in the development process for some time now.

In addition, we as a company show a firm standpoint. Whether through group-wide initiatives, memberships in numerous networks or at major events, we at Deutsche Bahn stand for openness, diversity and tolerance.


Key focus areas of social responsibility

We derive our key focus areas from our four clearly defined standpoints. They show in specific terms how we take social responsibility in everyday life.

Supporting social engagement
© Deutsche Bahn Stiftung

Deutsche Bahn Foundation

Strengthening community
© Stiftungsfamilie BSW & EWH

BSW & EWH Foundation Family

Promoting diversity
© Deutsche Bahn AG / Max Lautenschläger


Responsibility for our history
© Deutsche Bahn AG / Christian Bedeschinski

Architectural heritage

Supporting social engagement
© Deutsche Bahn AG / Max Lautenschläger

Commitment to science and innovation

Strengthening community
© Deutsche Bahn AG / Max Lautenschläger


Strengthening community
© Deutsche Bahn AG / Max Lautenschläger

Corporate digital responsibility

Strengthening community
© Deutsche Bahn AG / Volker Emersleben

Corporate social partners

Supporting social engagement
DB-Mitarbeitende bei Freiwilligenaktion "DBpacktan" im Jahr 2022 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Eva Herzog

Corporate volunteering

Responsibility for our history
Kranzniederlegung am Denkmal für die ermordeten Sinti und Roma Europas. | © Deutsche Bahn AG / Dominic Dupont

Culture of remembrance

Strengthening community
© Deutsche Bahn AG / Oliver Lang

Data protection

Promoting diversity
Der Wagen der Deutschen Bahn beim Christopher Street Day in Berlin 2022 | © DB AG / Hans-Christian Plambeck

Equal opportunities and inclusion

Strengthening community
© Deutsche Bahn AG / Dominic Dupont

Healthy workplace

Supporting social engagement
© Deutsche Bahn AG / Oliver Lang

Humanitarian emergency aid

Strengthening community
© Deutsche Bahn AG / Max Lautenschläger

Lifelong learning

Strengthening community
© Deutsche Bahn AG / Max Lautenschläger

Occupational safety

Responsibility for our history
Historische Schwarzweiß-Aufnahme des Hamburger Hauptbahnhofs | © Deutsche Bahn AG / Archiv

Preservation of company history

Strengthening community
© Deutsche Bahn AG / Björn Ewers

Safety in semi-public spaces

Supporting social engagement
© Deutsche Bahn AG / Daniela Rau


Strengthening community
© Deutsche Bahn AG / Volker Emersleben

Supply chain sustainability

Supporting social engagement
© Deutsche Bahn AG / Faruk Hosseini

Support of aid organizations

Strengthening community
© Deutsche Bahn AG / Max Lautenschläger

Working conditions