With more than 200,000 employees around the globe, millions of customers and numerous business partners Deutsche Bahn plays an important role in society. That is why we take corporate social responsibility so seriously.
At Deutsche Bahn, we have a long-standing commitment to corporate social responsibility that spans our entire company. The breadth of this commitment reflects the diversity of the different areas at our company and ranges from offering our employees good working conditions to supporting Bahnhofsmissionen (station missions) and taking numerous steps to ensure that the historical legacy of rail in Germany is not forgotten.
For us, demonstrating a stance means having a clear and value-based position, expressing it internally and publicly, and acting on it.
Four standpoints shape our actions and provide orientation for us and our stakeholders. They line up with our fundamental convictions and our social value compass at Deutsche Bahn:
Four standpoints as our compass of social values
Strengthening community

There are few companies in Germany who affect the personal and professional lives of so many people as directly as we do at Deutsche Bahn. That is why we aim to strengthen community spirit and set the best example we can. We cultivate a respectful working environment, work to make our train stations as attractive as possible for the many people who use them, and foster solid, integrity-based relationships with our customers and business partners.
Supporting social engagement

At Deutsche Bahn, we play an important role in society and believe we should give back. We help people in need facing the aftermath of natural disasters, homelessness and other difficult life situations. We also support research, academic pursuit and youth sports.
Promoting diversity

A positive attitude toward social diversity is an integral part of Deutsche Bahn's corporate culture. Discrimination has no place in our workplace: we want to create an environment where people treat each other with respect and where each and every person has the same opportunities to help make our company successful. That is why we take an active approach to managing diversity. We also want to make the services we offer our customers as inclusive as possible in order to ensure broad participation. And we carry out a variety of initiatives to send a strong message that advocates tolerance and diversity.
Responsibility for our history

At Deutsche Bahn, we not only assume responsibility in the present; we are also aware of the wider historical context of our corporate history. It is a history that has been far from uniformly positive, and we have a lasting responsibility to preserve the memory of this history – the good and the bad. For us, responsibility includes helping to educate future generations. And it is also about safeguarding the rich cultural heritage of rail in Germany and keeping the history of our company alive.
Our corporate social responsibility has a clear orientation and a systematic structure. Each of the four standpoints of our compass of social values is based on clear focal points with numerous activities and initiatives. They reflect the details and everyday impact of our community involvement.
Our key stakeholders are at the heart of our corporate social responsibility. We feel a special obligation to them.
In addition to the DB Group, there are also several other independent organizations whose work fosters social responsibility: