Not only do we bike to work, but we also transport goods with our Cargo Bikes. The tricycles have a clear advantage: they can be parked on sidewalks and get through even narrow entrances. Deliveries by Cargo Bike are a practical solution for the city and our environment.
Quiet and clean through the city
In downtown areas, getting the last mile right is crucial for goods deliveries. Conventional delivery vehicles such as vans or trucks often cause traffic jams, noise and poor air quality. By contrast, our Cargo Bikes are practical and – thanks to their electric drive – deliver goods in an environmentally friendly way.
Our logistics subsidiary DB Schenker already uses Cargo Bikes in many European countries, including Norway, Sweden, Austria and France. From small parcels to large pallets - this means a big reduction in CO2 emissions.
A highlight in our Cargo Bike fleet is the XXL cargo bicycle. Measuring seven meters in length and capable of hauling loads weighing up to half a metric ton, the bicycle is truly the Megaliner of cargo bikes. For its size, the e-bike is surprisingly easy to maneuver, allowing it to circumvent any traffic jam, all while remaining clean and quiet. This giant of a bike can be spotted plying the streets of Hamburg's city center.
Cargo Bikes for last-mile logistics
In Berlin, we are testing delivery by Cargo Bike as part of our SmartCity initiative. Together with the Tempelhof-Schöneberg district and the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital we have built an innovative and sustainable logistics warehouse, the Micro-Hub Te-Damm. Here, goods are delivered, stored and then distributed to customers by climate-friendly Cargo Bike. Another micro-hub has opened its doors at Alexanderplatz station.
The both micro-hubs are also available to other logistics companies and traders as a storage location. Residents can order groceries and pick them up directly from the hub.