As Deutsche Bahn, we want to provide the best possible relief from rail traffic noise for affected residents. To this end, we are working on innovative processes and optimizing our technologies to make our trains and systems even quieter. For many years, the so-called “macrophone test” was a particularly annoying source of noise for people living near rail facilities. The macrophone is the train's horn. It is essential for the safety of all road users. For example, it warns people on platforms and at level crossings without barriers of approaching trains.
Until now, the horns of our trains have been acoustically tested. Due to binding technical specifications, the horn test took place daily and often in the early hours of the morning while the trains were being prepared. This caused considerable noise pollution for the immediate vicinity of our railroad facilities.
Silent test procedure ensures noise reduction
In order to relieve the burden on residents around our depots and storage sidings, we are working with the Association of German Transport Companies (VDV) to develop a test procedure and the basis for adapting the technical specifications so that we can dispense with the daily acoustic test during preparation. DB Regio and DB Fernverkehr have already analyzed the failure rates of the individual series in detail and determined that, with a few exceptions, acoustic testing of the horns can be dispensed with.
We continue to ensure the function of the horns by testing certain technical components and diagnostic messages on a daily basis. In this way, we meet all safety requirements and can dispense with the daily acoustic test of the horns during the preparation of our trains. With one exception: for safety reasons, we will stick to the old procedure for the ICE2.
The DB Regio fleet has been running without the daily acoustic test since the beginning of 2024. DB Fernverkehr has been dispensing with the daily acoustic test for over 350 ICE multiple units since the end of 2024 and uses the silent procedure. The horns will continue to be acoustically tested as part of maintenance. DB Cargo is also currently working intensively on testing the implementation.