© DB AG / Faruk Hosseini

Our woolly friends

As Deutsche Bahn, we are keen to protect our ecosystem. That's why we are specifically committed to the diversity and conservation of animal and plant species. In order to protect valuable biotopes even better, we have very special landscape managers on duty: About 600 of our woolly friends help maintain a valuable habitat in the valley of the river Unstrut in Saxony-Anhalt.

Nature conservation with animal support

By eating only certain plants, the sheep esure that other plant species, such as rare orchids, flourish along with a wide range of wild animals. They are, in a sense, working for us. The construction of the Erfurt-Halle/Leipzig line made disrupting various habitats along the route unavoidable, but we wanted to compensate by supporting Mother Nature elsewhere. As part of this mission, we are rewilding about 400 hectares of farmland, creating woodland and planting fruit trees. And this is also where our four-legged employees live.

Experience virtually with the "Umwelt-Rallye", why nearly 600 sheep are working for the DB.