Bei der Umsetzung der Grünen Transformation unterstützen uns eine Vielzahl von Umwelt IT-Systemen. | © DB AG / Faruk Hosseini

Environmental data at a glance with just one click

We at Deutsche Bahn want to become a little greener every day, not only in our products for our customers but also in our internal processes. Various IT systems are helping us to implement our green transformation.

One of these is ISU LENa, the information system for environmental protection, noise, emissions and conservation. This keeps us informed of how rail transport is affecting the environment today across Germany - and what footprint it will have in the future. For example, when a new rail line is being built or repaired, we can use ISU LENa to check in advance what kind of impact this will have on the surrounding area and thus plan protective measures in good time.

Besides monitoring our vehicles’ emissions, we also have other projects. With the ZEDAL IT system, we can see at the click of a mouse what quantities and types of waste are being generated on board our trains, at stations and at other locations. ZEDAL also enables us to document the whereabouts and the disposal of our waste in a transparent and traceable way.

Our Umwelt-Cockpit tool helps us with the strategic planning of our environmental goals. It is a database with which we collect, calculate and visualize all the environment-related key data we use at Deutsche Bahn. With it, we are well equipped not only to ensure reliable monitoring of our green indicators, but also to manage our Group-wide environmental targets.