© DB AG / Oliver Lang

Our climate protection starts at the factory

It is not only our trains that are green – we also focus on solutions for sustainability and climate protection in our maintenance depots. That is why we have been operating all of our maintenance depots with 100 percent renewable power since 2025.

Climate protection at ICE depots

We are particularly proud of Germany's first climate-friendly ICE maintenance depot, which we opened in Cologne-Nippes in 2018. Geothermal power and a 2,100-square-meter photovoltaic system provide the maintenance depot with energy, while extra electricity sourced is also green. LED lights reduce energy consumption sustainably.

A solar thermal system on the roof generates heat energy. This supplies all washbasins, showers and kitchenettes in the depot with hot water. The batteries of electric service vehicles and e-bikes can be charged at charging points. And we offer our employees covered bicycle parking so that their journey to and from work is as climate-friendly as possible. 

We also broke ground earlier than planned for the new ICE depot in Dortmund. With geothermal energy, an 8,500 square meter photovoltaic system and 28,000 square meters of green roof areas, it is set to become one of the most sustainable plants in Europe. By the time it is completed in 2027, we will create capacity for the daily maintenance of up to 17 ICE-trains.

Visualization of the planned ICE depot in Dortmund

Green pit stops at DB Regio

We operate another  climate-friendly S-Bahn maintenance depot in Hamburg-Stellingen. In the 160-meter-long maintenance shed there, we can maintain and repair trains seven days a week and around the clock. Solar cells cover the depot's entire electricity and heating requirements in summer. Additional electricity is generated exclusively from renewable energy sources. LED illumination systems are used throughout the facility, while rainwater is collected and fed into the groundwater using infiltration systems, rounding off the green solutions. 

A large photovoltaic plant generates green electricity on the roof of our S-Bahn workshop in Frankfurt am Main. The depot is heated with climate-friendly district heating.

At the Munich-Pasing maintenance depot, DB Regio is able to reduce its CO2 emissions substanially in comparison with conventional facilities thanks to its use of geothermal power and energy-efficient systems.